Complementary Resources

Welcome to HPT's Resources Page! Here, you'll find valuable information, references, and recommendations to support your journey towards a happier, healthier, and more confident you.

Atomic Habits, James Clear

A bestselling book offering powerful insights into habit formation and personal growth.

Heal Your Wounds & Find Your True Self,
Lise Bourbeau

A fascinating book that delves into the five emotional wounds that can hinder our well-being and authenticity. The author provides valuable insights on emotional healing and self-realization.

Atomic Habits, James ClearAtomic Habits, James Clear
Heal Your Wounds & Find Your True Self, Lise BourbeauHeal Your Wounds & Find Your True Self, Lise Bourbeau
Insight Timer

A wonderful meditation app with a large free library of guided meditations.

Stress and Other
Somatic Tracking, Alan Gordon

Chronic pain management tools

The Way Out, Alan Gordon

Alan Gordon's book offering insights into overcoming chronic pain through TMS therapy.

The Way Out, Alan GordonThe Way Out, Alan Gordon
TMS Wiki, Alan Gordon

Informative wiki website on chronic pain and TMS.

Chronic Pain and TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome)

A fantastic app for understanding and managing chronic pain, stress, and mind-body connections.

The Mindbody Prescription,
Dr. John E. Sarno

An insightful book by Dr. Sarno, focusing on healing through the mind-body connection.

The Divided Mind, John E. SarnoThe Divided Mind, John E. Sarno
The Mindbody Prescription, John E. SarnoThe Mindbody Prescription, John E. Sarno
The Divided Mind, Dr. John E. Sarno

Dr. Sarno's work delving into the psychological basis of various physical ailments.

Curable AppCurable App

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This is a preview of available tools. These resources are designed to complement your journey with HPT. Remember, you have the power to make transformative changes in your life. Take the first step, and let us guide you towards a brighter, more confident future. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to contact HPT today!